Gator made it to Chi Town for the DNC…

Wonder if he sleeps in the same bed with her after a night where her 'boyfriend' drove her into the headboard....? And the libs call JD Vance 'weird'...?
Where is that liberal moron? Hasn’t been here since sleepy Joe got his azz handed to him in the debate with the bad orange man
I’ve hurt his pussŷ feelings too many times after calling him out on his obvious Vietnam lies. The dumbasss wanted me to come see his uniform but refuses to post a pic of it. I say the whole thing’s a damn lie.
@HONKifUvCOACHED4BAMA when did you start partying with Nancy?

She gotta learn how to keep that shit on the DL!

That happened to someone we know at Bellagio in Vegas once when he took out his player’s card at a blackjack table. The dealer (blackjack, to be clear) said “ohhh we don’t take that kind of currency.” 🤣
I’d imagine it would be difficult to shock a blackjack dealer in Vegas… I did shock one in Biloxi once… it was like 3am and I was up about $800. The table was full, a bachelor party, myself, and a black guy on the end. The black guy was basically complaining the entire time that the casino was somehow conspiring against him because he was black every time he lost a hand. It went on for about 20 minutes. I finally had enough and slammed a $50 chip down on the table and said “if you don’t talk for the next 30 minutes, this is yours…” the entire table went quiet. He asked if I was serious, I said absolutely. The pit boss literally came and stood over our table until the guy left (30 min later and after he earned his tip). After he left, the pit boss apologized to me haha.
  • Haha
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