Final Standings and Playoff Predictions


Sep 17, 2005
District 1
ArWeVa 9-0
Newell-Fonda 8-1

Remsen St Marys 6-3
West Bend-Mallard 5-4
Kingsley-Pierson 5-4
Harris-Lake Park 3-6
River Valley 2-7
Clay Central Everly 0-9

District 2
Northwood-Kensett 9-0
Don Bosco 8-1
Rockford 7-2

Dunkerton 5-4
Janesville 4-6
Riceville 3-6
Tripoli 3-6
North Iowa 1-8

District 3
Central City 9-0
Turkey Valley 8-1

Midland, Wyoming 8-2
Easton Valley 5-4
Springville 5-5
Kee, Lansing 2-7
Central Elkader 1-8
West Central, Maynard 1-8

District 4
Iowa Valley 9-0
New London 8-1
HLV, Victor 7-2

WACO 6-3
Lone Tree 4-5
English Valleys 4-5
Montezuma 2-7
Winfield Mt Union 1-8
Tri County, Thornburg 0-8

District 5
Gladbrook-Reinbeck 7-2

AGWSR, Ackley 6-3
Melcher-Dallas 5-4
Twin Cedars 5-4
Baxter 3-6
Collins-Maxwell 2-8
Colo-Nesco 1-8
Meskwaki Settlement 0-9

District 6
Southeast Warren 10-0

Lamoni 6-3
Lenox 6-3
East Union 5-4
Mormon Trail, Garden Grove 5-4
Moravia 3-6
Murray 3-6
Seymour 1-8

District 7
Fremont-Mills 8-1
East Mills 7-2

Stanton 7-2
Sidney 5-4
Bedford 3-6
Griswold 2-7
Essex 1-8
Clarinda Academy 0-9

District 8
Exira-EHK 8-1
Audubon 7-2

Glidden-Ralston 6-3
Coon Rapids-Bayard 5-4
Woodbine 5-4
CAM, Anita 4-5
Boyer Valley 1-8
West Harrison 0-9

1st Round Playoff Predictions
ArWeVa vs East Mills
Northwood-Kensett vs Rockford
Iowa Valley vs Don Bosco
Central City vs New London
Southeast Warren vs HLV, Victor
Exira-EHK vs Newell-Fonda
Fremont-Mills vs Audubon
Gradbrook-Reinbeck vs Turkey Valley
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If I read the RPI correctly, if both Stanton and East Mills finish 7-2, East Mills will have the better RPI I believe, regardless of head to head outcome.
Yes you are correct. East Mills Opponents record will be better by 1 game. Opponents opponents record will change in the last two weeks so Stanton could still finish ahead of them. I will make the adjustment for now
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Northwest/North Central Quarter:
Rockford (D2 3) at Ar-We-Va (D1 1)
Newell Fonda (D1 2) at Northwood-Kensett (D2 1)

Southwest/West Central Quarter:
Stanton (D7 2) at EHK, Exira (D8 1)
Audubon (D8 2) at Fremont Mills (D7 1)

Northeast/East Central Quarter:
Don Bosco (D2 2) at Central City (D3 1)
Turkey Valley (D3 2) at Gladbrook-Reinbeck (D5 1)

Southeast/South Central Quarter:
New London (D4 2) at SEW Liberty Center (D6 1)
HLV (D4 3) at Iowa Valley (D4 1)
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If East Mills gets in over Stanton because of a math formula I would say the system is officially broken. Stanton won by 20 over EM, and finish 2nd in the district. It would be determined by opponents opponents records. That makes very little sense. These two teams season if finished with the same record will come down to the performance of Cam and East Union.

Is this the only instance of this happening?
I would agree that Stanton should have a tie breaker over head to head but if there are say 8 teams at 7-2 and only 5 make it into the playoffs, head to head doesn't work and that is why they have the RPI. It will be interesting if that's how the standings shake out. CAM plays two opponents with winning records and East Union plays two opponents with losing records. So Stanton's opponents opponents record will improve while East Unions will go down. It will be close. There are still two weeks of football to be played. A lot can happen. Who knows, maybe Stanton will beat Fremont Mills and will be district Champs.

The only other case that I see is
In District 1 if Remsen St Marys would beat Newell Fonda it would come down to RPI. St Marys would end up with a better opponents record (39-42 to 38-44) but I'm not gonna do the math on opponents opponents records. So there is a chance that NF could finish higher even though they lost in the head to head.

There are 5 Districts that could end with 3 or more teams tied for the lead and it would come down to the RPI.
In District 2 if Rockford would beat Northwood Kensett. Rockford, NK and Don Bosco would all be tied.
In District 3 if Midland, Wyoming would beat Central City. MW, CC and Turkey Valley would all be tied.
In District 4 if HLV would beat Iowa Valley. HLV, Iowa Valley and New London would all be tied.
In District 6 if Lenox beats Lamoni and Lamoni beats Southeast Warren. They would all be tied.
In District 8 if EEHK would lose to Coon Rapids Bayard and Glidden Ralston were to beat Audubon then there would be a 5 way tie for first place.
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5 way tie will definitely screw up things. That coupled with a three way tie in district 3 could cause some very good 1 loss teams to not make the playoff. Crazy new system. Part of me wants to see the havok and uproar if this happens.
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District 1
ArWeVa 9-0
Newell-Fonda 8-1

Remsen St Marys 6-3
West Bend-Mallard 5-4
Kingsley-Pierson 5-4
Harris-Lake Park 3-6
River Valley 2-7
Clay Central Everly 0-9

District 2
Northwood-Kensett 9-0
Don Bosco 8-1
Rockford 7-2
Janesville 5-5
Dunkerton 4-5
Riceville 3-6
Tripoli 3-6
North Iowa 1-8

District 3
Midland, Wyoming 9-1
Central City 8-1
Turkey Valley 8-1

Easton Valley 5-4
Springville 5-5
Kee, Lansing 2-7
Central Elkader 1-8
West Central, Maynard 1-8

District 4
Iowa Valley 9-0
New London 8-1
HLV, Victor 7-2
WACO 6-3
Lone Tree 4-5
English Valleys 4-5
Montezuma 2-7
Winfield Mt Union 1-8
Tri County, Thornburg 0-8

District 5
Gladbrook-Reinbeck 7-2

AGWSR, Ackley 6-3
Melcher-Dallas 5-4
Twin Cedars 4-6
Baxter 3-6
Collins-Maxwell 3-7
Colo-Nesco 1-9
Meskwaki Settlement 0-9

District 6
Southeast Warren 10-0

Lenox 7-2
Lamoni 5-4
East Union 5-4
Mormon Trail, Garden Grove 5-4
Moravia 3-6
Murray 3-6
Seymour 1-8

District 7
Fremont-Mills 8-1
East Mills 7-2
Stanton 7-2
Sidney 5-4
Bedford 3-6
Griswold 2-7
Essex 1-8
Clarinda Academy 0-9

District 8
Exira-EHK 8-1
Audubon 7-2

Glidden-Ralston 6-3
Woodbine 5-4
CAM, Anita 5-4
Coon Rapids-Bayard 4-5
Boyer Valley 1-8
West Harrison 0-9

Playoff Prediction
ArWeVa vs Rockford
Exira-EHK vs Newell-Fonda

Northwood-Kensett vs Central City
Turkey Valley vs Don Bosco

Iowa Valley vs Midland, Wyoming
Gladbrook-Reinbeck vs New London

Fremont-Mills vs Lenox
Southeast Warren vs Audubon
HLV could be in with an upset or an higher RPI. Audubon will also have some number crunching. HLV Audubon and Lenox will be the bubble unless an upset or ties come into question.
Somethings from looking at the RPI. You are better off playing cupcakes for non districts and not playing and extra game. The teams with extra games, even if they win, have worse statistics in the RPI. Of course the state schedules your opponents but their is no advantage in picking up the week 0 game in fact it hurts.
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Seems like the state doesn't know how to determine if all district championship ties are automatic qualifiers or at large qualifiers. They posted in the regular season manual that they all receive automatic qualification and in the postseason manual they say that the team with the highest RPI ranking will be determined district champ and the others will be potential at large qualifiers. I guess the boys at Boone are meeting today to figure it out. You would think they would of had this cleared up before the season and not the week before playoffs.

Here is what both Manuals say

Regular Season Football Manual
Postseason Qualification:
a. All 9 games will count toward postseason qualification.
b. The +/- 17 point tie breaker will be eliminated and will not factor into postseason qualification
c. Only the district champion or ties for the district championship will receive an automatic qualification into the postseason.
d. The remaining at-large qualifiers will be determined by RPI (Rankings Performance Index). The RPI will use three criteria to determine postseason qualification:
1. Team’s overall win/loss percentage (37 ½ %)
2. Team’s opponent’s win/loss percentage (37 ½%)
3. Team’s opponent’s opponent’s win/loss percentage (25%)

Postseason Football Manual
Qualifiers for the football post-season tournament will be the district champion(s) and at-large qualifiers in Classes 4A, 3A, 2A, 1A, A and 8-Player (16 qualifiers in each class).
I. Determining the district champion:
1. The team with the fewest district losses will be the district champion.
2. If a tie exists between two teams with the fewest district losses, the tie will be broken by:
a. Head to Head competition, winner is district champion.
b. Loser enters into the at-large field of potential qualifiers.

II. Determining district champion when three or more schools tie with the fewest district losses:
1. Head to Head Competition will be used, loser(s) out.
2. If all teams have defeated each other, the team with the highest RPI will be determined to be the district champion and have the opportunity to host.
3. The remaining teams are potential automatic qualifiers

III. In the situation in which due to multiple three way or additional ties for the district championships that the number of district champions exceeds the number of teams to qualify in each class (16), the 16 teams with the highest RPI will be determined to be the 16 qualifiers. For example. In Class 3A, 4 districts have 3- way ties for the district championship in which all three teams have one loss and all three teams defeated each other. All 12 teams will potentially automatically qualify for the postseason. In the remaining 5 districts, we have a single district champion. We now have a total of 17 district champions for 16 spots. A district champion will be determined for each district based on the criteria listed above. After the district champion is determined, the remaining teams will be placed as potential at large qualifiers. According to the number of qualifiers available, the teams with the highest RPI’s will be selected and placed into the at large positions.
If they decide that all district champs and ties automatically qualify than there could potentially be 16 district champions. No at large teams would qualify.
Both manuals grant automatic qualification to 3+-way-ties. The key word in the post-season manual is “potential” as CYA language in case of multiple ties creating more than 16 district championss/co-champions. In the highly unlikely occurrence of 5 three-way ties in one class, the excess champions would be eliminated by lowest RPI.