Oct 11, 2014
Which side of the state has the best teams? I was thinking the west side is way more talented. They also have more teams in the top 10 too. Apologies if I offend anyone. The west just has to much to offer and I believe a state champion will be from this side of the state. If you have an agreement or disagreement too this post please leave your comment. I would like to here peoples opinions on this topic. May the best side win.
West has more parody. East arguably have the top teams. I guess the champ will be from the east but top 5 east vs top 5 west, west probably takes it.
This post was edited on 11/1 2:24 PM by notlongago
West side I feel is clearly better but I feel east side might win due to fact might be little less dinged up. West side is a gauntlet to go throw east side has maybe 4 teams. West side has a lot more Bosco will just roll to dome and be fresh and win I think. All depends what west teams get paired up to go to the dome.
Originally posted by hawkeyepower100:
West side I feel is clearly better but I feel east side might win due to fact might be little less dinged up. West side is a gauntlet to go throw east side has maybe 4 teams. West side has a lot more Bosco will just roll to dome and be fresh and win I think. All depends what west teams get paired up to go to the dome.
Central Elkader has no chance against Bosco?
I believe that if Bosco was in the west side of the state, they wouldn't make it past the first round of playoffs. Western side of the state is so much more competitive
Originally posted by AaronAnderson:
I believe that if Bosco was in the west side of the state, they wouldn't make it past the first round of playoffs. Western side of the state is so much more competitive
Where's the logic in this post? In the past 2 years DB has beaten Exira, Murray, & AC, with only a loss to MMC from that half of the state.
I personally hope next round is paired east vs. West so we fond out. Have central, db, and Janesville if they win play the west side and find out.
Originally posted by navyrules:

Originally posted by hawkeyepower100:
West side I feel is clearly better but I feel east side might win due to fact might be little less dinged up. West side is a gauntlet to go throw east side has maybe 4 teams. West side has a lot more Bosco will just roll to dome and be fresh and win I think. All depends what west teams get paired up to go to the dome.
Central Elkader has no chance against Bosco?
I guess I'm assuming state won't pair them up and both make dome. So my statement of rolling to dome would stand if they happen to have to play them then they won't roll them.

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