Nobody's had this here yet?
Here's what I've gathered: there were rumors of gang violence/shootings coming around East High this week. The school apparently took the threats seriously enough to look kindly on parents who chose to keep their kids home from school today (I saw a tweet from the school saying players had to have attended at least half the day to play, but students out the whole day could still attend the game).
Ames was scheduled to play at East tonight. Ames apparently brought their safety concerns to the IAHSAA, who informed East they needed to either switch the game to Ames or play Saturday during the day. East said, "Screw that, we have kids with weekend jobs and families that can't make that trip with three hours notice. We forfeit." The Des Moines Public Schools then sent out a scathing press release taking both the IAHSAA and Ames to task for disrespecting East's ability to control things tonight.
What do you all think? While safety is paramount, and caution is laudatory, I think the IAHSAA's reaction was overly harsh and knee-jerkish. How much credence should we give to internet rumors? How quickly do we cave in the face of "possible" trouble? It's not like East was unaware of the situation and not taking action - I'm sure they felt they could handle it with increased security.
Look at it this way - if it were Ames at Ankeny, and there were rumors of an upcoming fight in the parking lot with firearms mentioned, would this outcome have been the same? I am not positive about that.
Here's what I've gathered: there were rumors of gang violence/shootings coming around East High this week. The school apparently took the threats seriously enough to look kindly on parents who chose to keep their kids home from school today (I saw a tweet from the school saying players had to have attended at least half the day to play, but students out the whole day could still attend the game).
Ames was scheduled to play at East tonight. Ames apparently brought their safety concerns to the IAHSAA, who informed East they needed to either switch the game to Ames or play Saturday during the day. East said, "Screw that, we have kids with weekend jobs and families that can't make that trip with three hours notice. We forfeit." The Des Moines Public Schools then sent out a scathing press release taking both the IAHSAA and Ames to task for disrespecting East's ability to control things tonight.
What do you all think? While safety is paramount, and caution is laudatory, I think the IAHSAA's reaction was overly harsh and knee-jerkish. How much credence should we give to internet rumors? How quickly do we cave in the face of "possible" trouble? It's not like East was unaware of the situation and not taking action - I'm sure they felt they could handle it with increased security.
Look at it this way - if it were Ames at Ankeny, and there were rumors of an upcoming fight in the parking lot with firearms mentioned, would this outcome have been the same? I am not positive about that.