Deal reached in Ames-East game

Sep 10, 2014
From the Register:
Ahart made a political move and cost the kids of Ames and Des Moines a game, he should have stayed out of it and the game should have been played on Saturday. Happy with the decision by the Association, they need to come up with clear guidelines for a situation like this. I'm glad the game was considered a no contest. He won't be in Des Moines long he is the type of person that uses and moves on.
This is probably about the best outcome you could hope for by this point. I'm glad they decided to not stick East with an unjust loss. Now we can all figure out playoff possibilities in a somewhat more complicated way (at least that 13-point tiebreaker is already averaged on a per-district-game basis, so it can still work here if needed).
Originally posted by Bigguns10:
Ahart made a political move and cost the kids of Ames and Des Moines a game, he should have stayed out of it and the game should have been played on Saturday. Happy with the decision by the Association, they need to come up with clear guidelines for a situation like this. I'm glad the game was considered a no contest. He won't be in Des Moines long he is the type of person that uses and moves on.
What? Ahart cost the kids of Ames? Ames chose to not head south. As far as I am concerned Ames loses and East gets the win. Ames made the wrong move...period. Everything was cleared and Ames still chose to not head south.

I really want to know what Ahart did that was wrong.....If you are going to refer to the money, I agree with him. You ask any school how they would like to lose their gate for a football game and the booster clubs how they will lose out on concession money - no matter what the level.

Again, you don't show you lose.
Let's remember, the kids of Ames had nothing to do with the game not being played.

How much of the gate could DSM East have picked up had they played the game on Saturday?
Originally posted by mtdew_fever:
Let's remember, the kids of Ames had nothing to do with the game not being played.

How much of the gate could DSM East have picked up had they played the game on Saturday?
You are right but their management made that decision. I just find the audacity of Ames to say "Let's do this on Tuesday". Do they think that everyone is here for them? It seems to me that the state realized they screwed up, maybe Ames should do the same. I don't see how anyone can say that DSM did anything wrong here. The game was scheduled in DSM and unless there is a reason to postpone the game like weather the game will go on. There was no weather threat as there was no other threat. Ames still chose to not make the trip.....sorry kids but your administration made this decision and you unfortunately should lose.

Maybe the Ames administration staff should gather up all of the kids and community and hold a meeting and state the obvious..."damn folks we really screwed this up. it's really all on us and we made a mistake".

Now, to make the comment that the kids in Ames had nothing to do with this? Hmmm, the kids at East did? They lost more than the precious youngins up in Ames.
East should never have allowed an "optional" day of school. IF it was that dangerous of a situation, not only should school have been canceled but all activities should have been postponed. If some kids were allowed to come to school, everything should have been business as usual on Friday. Parents call in and excuse their kids for random reasons all the time anyway so if they didn't want their kids to go to school, attendance should have been taken anyway. That's just ridiculous.

The Association should have told the Superintendents/AD's to work it out and just stayed out of it and not have created a no-win situation. Now they can't wait for everyone to forget this mess. Ames doesn't arrive, forfeit for them.

The only ones that win here are the creeps that started the rumors. I'm sure they are getting a good laugh about it now. Good lesson for all I guess at the expense of everyone. Hopefully, this won't happen again. Like someone else said earlier, if we react this way every time someone makes a threat on social media, we aren't going to get anything done.
I don't think that the Des Moines School District is completely fault free and the superintendent even said that with the "optional" school day. However, after everything is cleared Ames really had no reason not to play, and I feel that they deserved the L.
After all is said and done it looks like this was the only reasonable option. With the backlash they couldn't saddle anyone with a loss and it would not be right to reward either or both teams with a win when no game was played. It is unfortunate that the adults in the room didn't act like adults. This game should have been played and everyone involved looks the worse for not having played it.