East should never have allowed an "optional" day of school. IF it was that dangerous of a situation, not only should school have been canceled but all activities should have been postponed. If some kids were allowed to come to school, everything should have been business as usual on Friday. Parents call in and excuse their kids for random reasons all the time anyway so if they didn't want their kids to go to school, attendance should have been taken anyway. That's just ridiculous.
The Association should have told the Superintendents/AD's to work it out and just stayed out of it and not have created a no-win situation. Now they can't wait for everyone to forget this mess. Ames doesn't arrive, forfeit for them.
The only ones that win here are the creeps that started the rumors. I'm sure they are getting a good laugh about it now. Good lesson for all I guess at the expense of everyone. Hopefully, this won't happen again. Like someone else said earlier, if we react this way every time someone makes a threat on social media, we aren't going to get anything done.