BLAMEIT'S Week #9 rankings


Aug 23, 2009
1) IC Regina - and...normalcy is restored in Class "1A"
2) South Winn - back in the 2nd saddle again
3) FDSE - beat a 2A team by 29. still a top 4 team
4) West Branch - Pick 6 on 1st play from scrimmage (56-0). Dominant x 3
5) Saint Ansgar - another dominant win. Poky may challenge them...until kickoff
6) West Lyon - they keep getting better. Don't poke the beast...
7) IKM - _______ fill in the blank. Weak D1, another win.
8) North Cedar - Jayden Johnson to Ian Malaby. You heard?
9) Dike-NH - close W vs quality opponent
10) Hudson - until the end...South Winn this week

This post was edited on 10/18 9:12 AM by BlameIt
Originally posted by BlameIt:

Originally posted by Cardinal2012:
What makes the Saint Ansgar schedule better than the IKM schedule?
pedigree counts for something
Pedigree of SA and IKM or pedigree of the teams they play?

IMO, IKM-Manning has a tougher schedule. I'm not sure the rankings are off one way or the other.
I think IKM is a top 10 team.
An undefeated season gains my respect.

But I do not need to watch a single game of theirs' to know they are not in the same class (talent) as SE, ICR, SW, WB, or SA.

Educated opinion.
I'm guessing 95% of the posters here will agree with me.
You don't need to see a single game, but yours is an "educated" opinion? You're funny. By the way, the blank is filled with Manning.
Originally posted by 80wolves:
You don't need to see a single game, but yours is an "educated" opinion? You're funny. By the way, the blank is filled with Manning.
yes. educated.

I will give you 100:1 odds that IKM doesnt get beyond the quarters.
I will lay 2:1 they dont get past round 2.

You want any of that action?

$1000 minimum wager.

(obviously i am not advocating gambling. its a figure of speech for proving my OPINION)

Again, no offense, teams dont come out of nowhere to get to the semis in 1A very often.

the _____ was for anybody to fill in whatever adjective or description they wanted, not for "Manning". But, hey, thanks for playing along in my maniacal game!

This post was edited on 10/18 12:50 PM by BlameIt
Ohh, you want to bet now? $1000 minimum? Why not $1 million? Look, you're entitled to your opinion. Lord knows you're not bashful about sharing yours, but you can't claim it's an "educated" opinion if you've never seen a team play. I'm guessing 95% of this board would agree with that, lol.
Originally posted by 80wolves:
Ohh, you want to bet now? $1000 minimum? Why not $1 million? Look, you're entitled to your opinion. Lord knows you're not bashful about sharing yours, but you can't claim it's an "educated" opinion if you've never seen a team play. I'm guessing 95% of this board would agree with that, lol.
logically, they will agree.

you win THAT part.

But do you feel IKM is in the same 'class' as FDSE, ICR, or South Winn? Be objective. Please provide evidence or 'educated opinion'
> Educated opinion.

Clearly there is a need for a iahsfb fan certification.

I sense a business opportunity ...
The short answer is maybe. I have not the opportunity to see any of those teams play this year. Regina would appear to be a notch above everyone else, but that's no surprise to anyone that follows 1A football. The thing is, we will all find out within the next couple of weeks. My "gut" feeling is that the Wolves are at least a quarterfinal type team, but we shall see.
I'm on it Brent. For a mere $25 dollars, I will certify anyone as an expert on Iowa high school football. Please telephone me at BR-549 for more information! Hurry! Offer ends soon!

This post was edited on 10/18 1:43 PM by 80wolves
Originally posted by 80wolves:
The short answer is maybe. I have not the opportunity to see any of those teams play this year. Regina would appear to be a notch above everyone else, but that's no surprise to anyone that follows 1A football. The thing is, we will all find out within the next couple of weeks. My "gut" feeling is that the Wolves are at least a quarterfinal type team, but we shall see.
if they play teams from D1 and D8 in 1st 2 rounds of the playoffs, they have a free pass.

2 weakest districts in 1A football.

This post was edited on 10/18 1:50 PM by BlameIt
Originally posted by BlameIt:

Originally posted by 80wolves:
Ohh, you want to bet now? $1000 minimum? Why not $1 million? Look, you're entitled to your opinion. Lord knows you're not bashful about sharing yours, but you can't claim it's an "educated" opinion if you've never seen a team play. I'm guessing 95% of this board would agree with that, lol.
logically, they will agree.

you win THAT part.

But do you feel IKM is in the same 'class' as FDSE, ICR, or South Winn? Be objective. Please provide evidence or 'educated opinion'
Yes I believe IKM is in the same class at South Winn because I think SW is overrated. I don't watch many teams play so I heavily base my opinion on common opponents and what I hear about certain teams. I think the Dike game showed SW isn't all they're made out to be and New Hampton doesn't seem to be a top 10 team in 2A. #1 Class A compared to #2 Class 1A. It's possible but I don't see it.

Dike vs. SW -9
Dike vs. Gladbrook -24

Next I believe Saint Ansgar is overrated. Is the #3 team that much better than #5?

Newman vs. SA -27
Newman vs. FDSE -75

Emmetsburg vs. SA -14
Emmetsburg vs. West Lyon -28

Hudson? The #9 team is 34 points better than #10?

I think the rankings should look more like this:

#1 Regina - Beat Xavier on the road by 2 scores.
#2 West Branch - I'm really just taking Blame's word that they are the real deal.
#3 FDSE - I'm "punishing" them at third because I think some inflated scores are assisted by lack of subs
#4 West Lyon - 1 loss came week 1 to a good team.
#5 South Winn - Not better than Regina or WB and the playoffs will prove it.
#6 IKM - The Audubon win isn't horrible and they played Manson just as good as FDSE (was the QB healthy that game?)
#7 Saint Ansgar - Best win against Class A Nashua. Nothing on the schedule screams top 5 team.
#8 Dike/North Cedar - See #9
#9 Dike/North Cedar - See #8
#10 Ogden - Probably should have lost to Manson but I don't see an argument for anybody else.
Manson's QB did play against IKMM, but they were down some O-linemen. Manson (and S. Hamilton) would probably be a playoff team in any other district. It seems that D-7 and D-4 are the only districts with pretty high quality teams beyond the top two. D-1 is not strong, but AHSTW is a solid club with a win over 2A #10 Clarinda. As always, injuries will play a role this time of year. Two 2-way starters did not play for IKMM this week, for example. Should be back for the 1st round.

This post was edited on 10/18 2:40 PM by 80wolves
IMO- Regina is a pretty done deal to win but on the outside shot someone else manages to pull it out I would say West Branch, South win and West Lyon have a shot.
Originally posted by MVPFAN:
IMO- Regina is a pretty done deal to win but on the outside shot someone else manages to pull it out I would say West Branch, South win and West Lyon have a shot.
^^^^ this

In order, I'd put it as SW, WL, and then WB
Originally posted by MVPFAN:
IMO- Regina is a pretty done deal to win but on the outside shot someone else manages to pull it out I would say West Branch, South Winn, St. Edmond and West Lyon have a shot.
So you're telling me there's a chance......
Originally posted by DarkThunder#61:
Originally posted by MVPFAN:
IMO- Regina is a pretty done deal to win but on the outside shot someone else manages to pull it out I would say West Branch, South Winn, St. Edmond and West Lyon have a shot.
So you're telling me there's a chance......
Nice try!
Some of the people posting on this sight make me laugh. Constantly putting down teams like Saint Ansgar and IKM-Manning for not playing anyone and doing what they are suppose to do by winning. Seems like you should all remember that these kids playing the game are just that, High school kids wanting to play ball and doing what they want to do, WIN. They have no choice in who they play I believe the last time I checked some one else chooses the districts.
Originally posted by 52IHAWK:
Some of the people posting on this sight make me laugh. Constantly putting down teams like Saint Ansgar and IKM-Manning for not playing anyone and doing what they are suppose to do by winning. Seems like you should all remember that these kids playing the game are just that, High school kids wanting to play ball and doing what they want to do, WIN. They have no choice in who they play I believe the last time I checked some one else chooses the districts.
If only they had an opportunity where they could prove all the doubters wrong, some kind of tournament that happens after this district schedule that was chosen by somebody else is finished. Oh wait...

At the end of the day it is a game, this message board doesn't matter, and certainly the rankings do not matter. If somebody thinks a team is overrated then said team should use it as fuel and prove them wrong. If a SOS comment gets under their skin then I think have more to worry about than football.
BLAMEIT provides weekly rankings for everyone to pick apart, that's what he expects. What I don't get is that someone who appears to know so much about 1A football, consistently incorrectly identifies a team in his Top 10. You do it every week, it's IKM-MANNING, I don't even live in that community and it bugs me.
Originally posted by WI_Sports_Fan:
BLAMEIT provides weekly rankings for everyone to pick apart, that's what he expects. What I don't get is that someone who appears to know so much about 1A football, consistently incorrectly identifies a team in his Top 10. You do it every week, it's IKM-MANNING, I don't even live in that community and it bugs me.
my apologies.

Do you really think I am doing that on disrespect IKM-M?

Not in the slightest
Originally posted by WI_Sports_Fan:
BLAMEIT provides weekly rankings for everyone to pick apart, that's what he expects. What I don't get is that someone who appears to know so much about 1A football, consistently incorrectly identifies a team in his Top 10. You do it every week, it's IKM-MANNING, I don't even live in that community and it bugs me.
What the Fudge?? Laughing out Loud!!

I mean I really do not think we should ever shorten anything. I say we should not ever use a contraction every again. I feel like the "nots" and "haves" of the world should get their full dull credit.

Sorry that was snooty, but I would say "IKM" every time as I would say "Dike", "MFL", "Sumner", etc. It's just shorter and people know who you're talking about.

Now, a question for Blame. Who, other than North Cedar, has West Branch played this year that wouldn't put their strength of schedule into question as well?
my take on 1A

Regina wont lose again this year and noone will be even close to them.

south winn and west branch are their closest compitition. (west branch recruits well just like regina)

FDSE will dominate western iowa in the first 3 rounds. dont think anyone has a chance at getting by them from the west. that includes overrated ikm and west lyon.

Ikm was 4-5 last year! sure they have a sr averaging 10 yards a carry but what else do they have. FDSE will have no trouble here. fdse by 21

west lyon lost everyone from last year and is skating by in a crap district. talked to a coach from nw iowa who said west lyon just doesnt have the leaders on the field they had last year. fdse by 28

final four will be regina south winn fdse and some lucky garbage team that squeeks in.
Originally posted by LBdomination12:

south winn and west branch are their closest compitition. (west branch recruits well just like regina)

I am curious to know who WB is "recruiting" now.

Given I am around the program, and have been for years, I will be 100% transparent if you provide concrete evidence.

Jacob Giese joined WB. His family CHOSE to move to WB. WB did not give him a scholarship or let him live in a RB's house. His family moved to WB. His mother works in N. Liberty. Saves a lot of $$ on mileage vs driving from Wilton countryside.

Before JG, the last open enrollees that played at WB were an OL in 2011 and a WR/DB that came in 7th grade. OL came from West High, where he didn't even play. But did an admirable job in WB. And the WR/DB is currently at Regina.

Before him you'd have to go back to 1994 for the last recruit, I mean open enrollee, to play football for WB.

Please enlighten me again on WB's recruiting practices. I'm curious.

I've been transparent with you.

This post was edited on 10/24 12:18 PM by BlameIt

This post was edited on 10/24 12:19 PM by BlameIt
Originally posted by RoundMound1:

Now, a question for Blame. Who, other than North Cedar, has West Branch played this year that wouldn't put their strength of schedule into question as well?
that is a fair question.

WB has beaten 3 teams who were ranked at the time they played: (all 3 currently in top 15 of the respected BC Moore rankings)

Lisbon (week 1): 42-0 at Lisbon
North Cedar (week 4) 42-28 at NC (would love another shot at NC)
Bellevue (week 5) 38-7 in WB

And, in the other games have done what they should have: dismantled the other team.

WB leads 1A in scoring and margin of victory, and is 2nd in total defense.

I think WB is ranked pretty much where it should be.
They are a legit top 5 team.

What do you need to need to be a top tier team?

- Good coaching (check)
- Good offensive line (certainly the most experienced in 1A)
- Good running game (an all-stater in Lenoch)
- Good passing game (Lamont often plays 2nd fiddle and will finish with 1500+ yards, 20 TD; and 15+ rushing TD)
- Strong defense (check)
- Special teams (one of best PK in 1A)

I will let others see if I am blowing smoke.
We may or may not beat Regina, etc.

I am only focused on Alburnett. They are a good ball club who will be in the playoffs.
Originally posted by BlameIt:

I am only focused on Alburnett.
Why would you only focus on Alburnett? You're not a coach for West Branch, so it's not like you, specifically, have to worry about getting caught looking ahead. Or at least no one would blame you if you pun intended.
I'm not an English teacher, but IKM would not be a "contraction," it is actually an acronym. The correct acronym for IKM-Manning would be IKMM, but hey if you want to give the "nots" and "haves" of the world credit, go for it.

Thanks for allowing me to laugh out loud, or if I were to use the "contraction," lol.
Originally posted by WI_Sports_Fan:
I'm not an English teacher, but IKM would not be a "contraction," it is actually an acronym. The correct acronym for IKM-Manning would be IKMM, but hey if you want to give the "nots" and "haves" of the world credit, go for it.

Thanks for allowing me to laugh out loud, or if I were to use the "contraction," lol.
Sorry, you did not understand my previous post. I must have done a poor job of explaining it. (those can be shortened into contractions)
Originally posted by LBdomination12:
my take on 1A

Regina wont lose again this year and noone will be even close to them.

south winn and west branch are their closest compitition. (west branch recruits well just like regina)

FDSE will dominate western iowa in the first 3 rounds. dont think anyone has a chance at getting by them from the west. that includes overrated ikm and west lyon.

Ikm was 4-5 last year! sure they have a sr averaging 10 yards a carry but what else do they have. FDSE will have no trouble here. fdse by 21

west lyon lost everyone from last year and is skating by in a crap district. talked to a coach from nw iowa who said west lyon just doesnt have the leaders on the field they had last year. fdse by 28

final four will be regina south winn fdse and some lucky garbage team that squeeks in.
Keep telling yourself that about West Lyon. No way FDSE wins by 28 vs them.
A non-partisan opinion...

IKM-Manning is better than people think. With wins over LV East Sac, Audubon, and Avoca by 21, 26, and 33 points all have 6-2 records... Other losses coming to Clarinda(7-1 2A), Logan Magnolia(8-0 A), Audubon beat Avoca 13-6...

Notable wins that we can somewhat get a feel for IKM-Manning as a result...
LV East Sac beat South Central Calhoun 14-12... SCC played to a 16 point loss versus FDSE and Madrid... Now my hunch is FDSE underperformed against SCC, but it may not be the case. Assuming LVES is 2 points better than SCC that would mean based on the 21 point win for IKM over LVES would make them 23 better than SCC. Making IKM 7 points better than FDSE or Madrid.

Again this is all statistical comparison which is different depending on team strengths and such... I would say BCMoore rankings are pretty accurate with IKM-Manning position at this point. I think ICR and SW have proven themselves as legit #1 and #2 thus far. I believe we are still unsure of the legitimacy of WB, IKM-M, and FDSE due to opponents they have faced with solid records having not done it against the most desirable competition.

Lisbon is the connecting point in comparison of SW and WB... It is hard to tell because some teams get whooped up on and the better team pulls back the reigns...

Without getting overly wordy you can look at teams and mainly look at the 3A-A rankings on BCMoore to get the best idea of how teams from other classes would rank in your class. Lisbon would be in the #25-35 range if playing 1A. I think that record speaks a little to highly of them. I would view them as a 2-3 win district team if playing in the WB district. They would lose to NC, Alburnett, WB, Bellevue and have decent games with Wilton and Durant and whoop Wapello.

Anamosa has been squeaking past questionable to bad teams all season and somehow beat LPC last week. They are getting smoked by Cascade, so that win for NC isn't nearly as good as it would seem and outside that win NC doesn't have a respectable win, but a decent game with WB. Yes, Bellevue is decent and smoked Alburnett but no other team they have beat is even close to good and the best being 2-6 Durant they beat by 8 points.

My reason for not feeling FDSE can be considered legit...
They squeaked past Garrigan 14-7 who is a very solid team with two losses... The other loss to 7-1 Nashua Plainfield by 8, which is also a solid team. Nashua though lost by 13 to St. Ansgar who is 8-0 and beat Denver by 8 and West Hancock by 1... Denver lost 43-0 to Gladbrook Reinbeck and 27-9 to Dike New Hartford... South Winn is better than both those teams and Statistically this would mean Gladbrook Reinbeck is 32 points better than FDSE and DNH is 8 points better than FDSE. South Winn is definitely better than DNH who played them closer than anyone anticipated and probably better than GR. The part that makes scoring comparisons a disaster... I discounted Anamosa for being blow out this week and its weak schedule but they beat LaPorte City who is the only loss for Gladbrook Reinbeck. So with that information you could conclude FDSE is better than WB and SW. This is why it is played on the field. I think the majority of the information we have would conclude that we can't be sure how legit the 3 teams behind ICR and SW are, but we know they could be just as good.

Now that I have given some fuel to get DarkThunder and BlameIt all worked up... I am not saying FDSE and WB are not legit, because I believe they are as is IKM-Manning, but until I see wins over better competition I can't definitely say they are legit.
Originally posted by maxstabs13:

A non-partisan opinion...

IKM-Manning is better than people think. With wins over LV East Sac, Audubon, and Avoca by 21, 26, and 33 points all have 6-2 records... Other losses coming to Clarinda(7-1 2A), Logan Magnolia(8-0 A), Audubon beat Avoca 13-6...

Notable wins that we can somewhat get a feel for IKM-Manning as a result...
LV East Sac beat South Central Calhoun 14-12... SCC played to a 16 point loss versus FDSE and Madrid... Now my hunch is FDSE underperformed against SCC, but it may not be the case. Assuming LVES is 2 points better than SCC that would mean based on the 21 point win for IKM over LVES would make them 23 better than SCC. Making IKM 7 points better than FDSE or Madrid.

Again this is all statistical comparison which is different depending on team strengths and such... I would say BCMoore rankings are pretty accurate with IKM-Manning position at this point. I think ICR and SW have proven themselves as legit #1 and #2 thus far. I believe we are still unsure of the legitimacy of WB, IKM-M, and FDSE due to opponents they have faced with solid records having not done it against the most desirable competition.

Lisbon is the connecting point in comparison of SW and WB... It is hard to tell because some teams get whooped up on and the better team pulls back the reigns...

Without getting overly wordy you can look at teams and mainly look at the 3A-A rankings on BCMoore to get the best idea of how teams from other classes would rank in your class. Lisbon would be in the #25-35 range if playing 1A. I think that record speaks a little to highly of them. I would view them as a 2-3 win district team if playing in the WB district. They would lose to NC, Alburnett, WB, Bellevue and have decent games with Wilton and Durant and whoop Wapello.

Anamosa has been squeaking past questionable to bad teams all season and somehow beat LPC last week. They are getting smoked by Cascade, so that win for NC isn't nearly as good as it would seem and outside that win NC doesn't have a respectable win, but a decent game with WB. Yes, Bellevue is decent and smoked Alburnett but no other team they have beat is even close to good and the best being 2-6 Durant they beat by 8 points.

My reason for not feeling FDSE can be considered legit...
They squeaked past Garrigan 14-7 who is a very solid team with two losses... (just wanted to quickly remind you that SE beat Garrigan, 14-9 and trailed Newman at one point before going on to play in the championship last year.....) The other loss to 7-1 Nashua Plainfield by 8, which is also a solid team. Nashua though lost by 13 to St. Ansgar who is 8-0 and beat Denver by 8 and West Hancock by 1... Denver lost 43-0 to Gladbrook Reinbeck and 27-9 to Dike New Hartford... South Winn is better than both those teams and Statistically this would mean Gladbrook Reinbeck is 32 points better than FDSE and DNH is 8 points better than FDSE. South Winn is definitely better than DNH who played them closer than anyone anticipated and probably better than GR. The part that makes scoring comparisons a disaster... I discounted Anamosa for being blow out this week and its weak schedule but they beat LaPorte City who is the only loss for Gladbrook Reinbeck. So with that information you could conclude FDSE is better than WB and SW. This is why it is played on the field. I think the majority of the information we have would conclude that we can't be sure how legit the 3 teams behind ICR and SW are, but we know they could be just as good.

Now that I have given some fuel to get DarkThunder and BlameIt all worked up... I am not saying FDSE and WB are not legit, because I believe they are as is IKM-Manning, but until I see wins over better competition I can't definitely say they are legit. Sooooooo, you're saying you're not sure if you are sure.................
Meh, your post was kind of "been there, done that" for me.
(..............meaning about 8-9 years ago, I might have said something similar.)

My take is what you sort of alluded to towards the end. You can't judge a team by comparing scores alone, though I've seen a lot of that on these boards lately.

The other thing is I don't really know what your definition of "legit" is, or at least whom it would be compared to. You never really clarified that.......Is it about their current ranking? As contenders to Regina for the championship? (better not tell Blame that....ehh might be too late now.

I just know from some of your past dealings with the word "legit" and who is/isn't, it should only be treated as your opinion, and not that you are actually proving anything with said opinion..........just sayin.

Then again, you didn't seem too sure of anything at the end of your post, much ado about nothing, I guess.
Originally posted by DarkThunder#61:

Originally posted by maxstabs13:

A non-partisan opinion...

IKM-Manning is better than people think. With wins over LV East Sac, Audubon, and Avoca by 21, 26, and 33 points all have 6-2 records... Other losses coming to Clarinda(7-1 2A), Logan Magnolia(8-0 A), Audubon beat Avoca 13-6...

Notable wins that we can somewhat get a feel for IKM-Manning as a result...
LV East Sac beat South Central Calhoun 14-12... SCC played to a 16 point loss versus FDSE and Madrid... Now my hunch is FDSE underperformed against SCC, but it may not be the case. Assuming LVES is 2 points better than SCC that would mean based on the 21 point win for IKM over LVES would make them 23 better than SCC. Making IKM 7 points better than FDSE or Madrid.

Again this is all statistical comparison which is different depending on team strengths and such... I would say BCMoore rankings are pretty accurate with IKM-Manning position at this point. I think ICR and SW have proven themselves as legit #1 and #2 thus far. I believe we are still unsure of the legitimacy of WB, IKM-M, and FDSE due to opponents they have faced with solid records having not done it against the most desirable competition.

Lisbon is the connecting point in comparison of SW and WB... It is hard to tell because some teams get whooped up on and the better team pulls back the reigns...

Without getting overly wordy you can look at teams and mainly look at the 3A-A rankings on BCMoore to get the best idea of how teams from other classes would rank in your class. Lisbon would be in the #25-35 range if playing 1A. I think that record speaks a little to highly of them. I would view them as a 2-3 win district team if playing in the WB district. They would lose to NC, Alburnett, WB, Bellevue and have decent games with Wilton and Durant and whoop Wapello.

Anamosa has been squeaking past questionable to bad teams all season and somehow beat LPC last week. They are getting smoked by Cascade, so that win for NC isn't nearly as good as it would seem and outside that win NC doesn't have a respectable win, but a decent game with WB. Yes, Bellevue is decent and smoked Alburnett but no other team they have beat is even close to good and the best being 2-6 Durant they beat by 8 points.

My reason for not feeling FDSE can be considered legit...
They squeaked past Garrigan 14-7 who is a very solid team with two losses... (just wanted to quickly remind you that SE beat Garrigan, 14-9 and trailed Newman at one point before going on to play in the championship last year.....) The other loss to 7-1 Nashua Plainfield by 8, which is also a solid team. Nashua though lost by 13 to St. Ansgar who is 8-0 and beat Denver by 8 and West Hancock by 1... Denver lost 43-0 to Gladbrook Reinbeck and 27-9 to Dike New Hartford... South Winn is better than both those teams and Statistically this would mean Gladbrook Reinbeck is 32 points better than FDSE and DNH is 8 points better than FDSE. South Winn is definitely better than DNH who played them closer than anyone anticipated and probably better than GR. The part that makes scoring comparisons a disaster... I discounted Anamosa for being blow out this week and its weak schedule but they beat LaPorte City who is the only loss for Gladbrook Reinbeck. So with that information you could conclude FDSE is better than WB and SW. This is why it is played on the field. I think the majority of the information we have would conclude that we can't be sure how legit the 3 teams behind ICR and SW are, but we know they could be just as good.

Now that I have given some fuel to get DarkThunder and BlameIt all worked up... I am not saying FDSE and WB are not legit, because I believe they are as is IKM-Manning, but until I see wins over better competition I can't definitely say they are legit. Sooooooo, you're saying you're not sure if you are sure.................
Meh, your post was kind of "been there, done that" for me.
(..............meaning about 8-9 years ago, I might have said something similar.)

My take is what you sort of alluded to towards the end. You can't judge a team by comparing scores alone, though I've seen a lot of that on these boards lately.

The other thing is I don't really know what your definition of "legit" is, or at least whom it would be compared to. You never really clarified that.......Is it about their current ranking? As contenders to Regina for the championship? (better not tell Blame that....ehh might be too late now.

I just know from some of your past dealings with the word "legit" and who is/isn't, it should only be treated as your opinion, and not that you are actually proving anything with said opinion..........just sayin.

Then again, you didn't seem too sure of anything at the end of your post, much ado about nothing, I guess.
Legit as in title contenders. Hard to tell when they haven't played a lot of stiff competition.

Regina and SW are the only ones who can truly claim they have played stiff competition. Regina against Solon, Cascade, and Xavier. SW against New Hampton, DNH, and a underrated 3-6 Waukon team that has blown out 3 bad teams and lost close games to several good teams.

FDSE, WB, and IKM-M have had some solid easy victories. FDSE close game with Garrigan and WB decently challenged by NC worries me. IKM-M has handled everyone pretty easily, but not prime teams on the schedule really.
Originally posted by maxstabs13:

Legit as in title contenders. Hard to tell when they haven't played a lot of stiff competition.

Regina and SW are the only ones who can truly claim they have played stiff competition. Regina against Solon, Cascade, and Xavier. SW against New Hampton, DNH, and a underrated 3-6 Waukon team that has blown out 3 bad teams and lost close games to several good teams.

FDSE, WB, and IKM-M have had some solid easy victories. FDSE close game with Garrigan and WB decently challenged by NC worries me. IKM-M has handled everyone pretty easily, but not prime teams on the schedule really.
I don't know if you can say how much better D-NH is than some of the teams in D7 and D5. If you're using BCMoore's rankings, SE has the best overall SOS of the top 5 teams, which I'm just pointing out.

Again, you can't read too much into a game like the one SE had against Garrigan because of what I mentioned about last year.

And SW is a contender, but to help clarify your meaning, everyone is contending to stop Regina. The road to a championship goes through them. Even South Winn, with their wins, hasn't played a team of Regina's caliber.....but then how many teams are there this year across the state that are Regina's caliber? I guess that's up for debate as well.