42-8 Baxter end of 1stBaxter over Easton Valley 22-0 with 7 minutes left in the 1st qtr
Baxter 55-8 at the halfBaxter over Easton Valley 22-0 with 7 minutes left in the 1st qtr
79-14 Baxter in the 3rd lindemoen with 8 td catches42-8 Baxter end of 1st
So much for that one being close, even with all the smack talking this week.Bosco 50 tripoli 8 at half
93-28 baxter79-14 Baxter in the 3rd lindemoen with 8 td catches
93-28 baxter
Midland dominated the game more than the score shows. 52-6 in the 4th before giving up 2 tds after subbing. I think it brought lone tree back to earth. Playoffs should be fun.