4A State Tournament


Jun 14, 2001
#1 Pleasant Valley vs. #8 Dubuque Senior
#4 Dowling Catholic vs. #5 West Des Moines Valley
#2 Council Bluffs Abraham Lincoln vs. #7 Cedar Falls
#3 Des Moines Hoover vs. #6 Iowa City West
#1 Pleasant Valley vs. #8 Dubuque Senior ... PV 58-41
#4 Dowling Catholic vs. #5 West Des Moines Valley ... Dowling 67-65 in ot
#2 Council Bluffs Abraham Lincoln vs. #7 Cedar Falls .. AL 62-61
#3 Des Moines Hoover vs. #6 Iowa City West ... IC West 42-39

Dowling 58 PV 56
IC West 63 AL 57

Dowling 66 IC West 60
#1 Pleasant Valley vs. #8 Dubuque Senior
PV by 14.

#4 Dowling Catholic vs. #5 West Des Moines Valley
Obviously these two teams are very familiar with each other. Valley is the better team and handle Dowling with a 15 point win.

#2 Council Bluffs Abraham Lincoln vs. #7 Cedar Falls
AL by 9. Cedar Falls had a great win over Linn-Mar, but there week off hurts them.

#3 Des Moines Hoover vs. #6 Iowa City West
Having seen both of these teams play I think ICW wins by 6. This is the game where you wish there was a shot clock in the Iowa High School Basketball. Hopefully it is not a 26-20 game.
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#1 Pleasant Valley vs. #8 Dubuque Senior
PV by 30. Ugly, early.

#4 Dowling Catholic vs. #5 West DM Valley
Valley by 5. One of two really good first round games.

#2 Council Bluffs Abe Lin vs. #7 Cedar Falls
Abe Lin by 10. Other really good first round game.

#3 Des Moines Hoover vs. #6 Iowa City West
Iowa City by 10+.
Who should be considered the favorite in this year's tournament? The past 3 or 4 years it was definitely Iowa City West

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