Just got done going thru the training video for coaches and officials from the Association. As an official, I was a little more interested in the rules changes, but there were some administrative notes too.
For playoff tiebreak, when it gets down to "alphabetical", the new letter is "D", and it goes in reverse from there. Wasn't the letter "H" last year? So the Eagle Groves, Esthervilles and Emmetsburgs of the world are SOL this year.
There was also a discussion of using weeks 3-7 to average points for districts that have a team that has dropped football. I think that applies to 2A-D3 this year, not sure if there are any others. Didn't make a lot of sense to me, but couldn't pause the video to digest it.
As for rules, nothing too big. One kinda funny, that is not funny. If a ball carrier with a prosthetic arm, has his arm come off, the ball is dead at that spot. Kinda like a helmet. Still funny to say, "Ball is dead, runner's arm came off."
Pop up kicks are now illegal on kickoffs. Dribblers, or dribblers with a big pop are still legal, but can't immediately pop it up on driving it into the ground.
Non-contact face guarding of a receiver is no longer illegal. That is one I expect the fans to hoot about a bunch. The most likely case, as I see it, is when a d-back gets beat, and as he is catching up, sticks both arms up with his back to the ball. Legal now. (assuming no contact).
In the last 2 minutes of each half, the offended team on a penalty has clock start/stop options. Most common I would think, would be an offense, with the lead, and a rolling clock, does a false start. Previously, the offense would lose the 5 yards, and the white hat would start the play/game clock, burning even more time. The defense will now be able to keep the clock stopped after the penalty. (I like this rule change).
More reminders about the uniform change for 2021. Home can no longer wear white, and home must wear dark enough grey to be "dark".
Blindside blocks must be initiated with open hands.
Those are it off the top of my head.
For playoff tiebreak, when it gets down to "alphabetical", the new letter is "D", and it goes in reverse from there. Wasn't the letter "H" last year? So the Eagle Groves, Esthervilles and Emmetsburgs of the world are SOL this year.
There was also a discussion of using weeks 3-7 to average points for districts that have a team that has dropped football. I think that applies to 2A-D3 this year, not sure if there are any others. Didn't make a lot of sense to me, but couldn't pause the video to digest it.
As for rules, nothing too big. One kinda funny, that is not funny. If a ball carrier with a prosthetic arm, has his arm come off, the ball is dead at that spot. Kinda like a helmet. Still funny to say, "Ball is dead, runner's arm came off."
Pop up kicks are now illegal on kickoffs. Dribblers, or dribblers with a big pop are still legal, but can't immediately pop it up on driving it into the ground.
Non-contact face guarding of a receiver is no longer illegal. That is one I expect the fans to hoot about a bunch. The most likely case, as I see it, is when a d-back gets beat, and as he is catching up, sticks both arms up with his back to the ball. Legal now. (assuming no contact).
In the last 2 minutes of each half, the offended team on a penalty has clock start/stop options. Most common I would think, would be an offense, with the lead, and a rolling clock, does a false start. Previously, the offense would lose the 5 yards, and the white hat would start the play/game clock, burning even more time. The defense will now be able to keep the clock stopped after the penalty. (I like this rule change).
More reminders about the uniform change for 2021. Home can no longer wear white, and home must wear dark enough grey to be "dark".
Blindside blocks must be initiated with open hands.
Those are it off the top of my head.