Originally posted by dadto2:
Ah, let the over-reaction, search for hidden meanings, and team bashing begin.
To Luke- Team success should be a factor but here it seems over-emphasized. Allow me to make my point. You name 40 players to your three teams in 3A. Of those 40, 37 come from teams with winning records(93%). Of the three from teams with losing records, all are on the third team and two are the last listed. So I guess if you had only named 38, it would be 1/38.
To Fever-Way to break out the cliches! "All great players make their teammates better." "Stats are for losers." "Wins are what matters." You forgot "Second place is the first loser" and "There is no "I" in team." Maybe you can work them into your next post.
Meanwhile, I'll let the numbers I showed speak for themselves and get back to watching the Iowa-Davidson game.